Vein finder can help you self-inject RUCONEST

RUCONEST SOLUTIONS offers a vein finder, a tool to help patients self-inject

  • Patients can keep a vein finder on loan to help self-administer RUCONEST and help improve first-stick success
  • A hands-free vein finder is designed to help you find a vein more easily
  • RUCONEST SOLUTIONS provides access to a variety of IV injection tools that can help support long-term self-administration of RUCONEST.
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How to prepare and take RUCONEST

Watch the self-administration video

Noah, 13 years old taking RUCONEST to treat HAE

When it comes to administration, confidence matters. Be sure to read the full instructions, located in the Prescribing Information under the Patient Product Information section, before preparing the medication for injection.

A dedicated RUCONEST Patient Advocate is available to you for in-person training, as many times as needed.

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The importance of vein care

Tips to ensure optimal vein health for patients self-administering RUCONEST

RUCONEST can be self-administered by appropriately trained patients, so it's important that you do everything you can to take care of your veins. Below are some tips to help keep your veins healthy and viable.

Vein Care Dos:
  • Find a well-lit area to do your infusion
  • Make sure to alternate arms when infusing your RUCONEST doses
  • When choosing a vein, look for one that feels bouncy, not stiff or rolling!
  • Use a tourniquet to apply pressure and help your vein become more prominent for easier access
  • Stay hydrated
Vein Care Don'ts:
  • Don't rush. Staying calm will help you to easily access your veins
  • Don't use veins that are red, inflamed, or sore to touch
  • Don't forget to remove the tourniquet — leaving it on for a long time may cause damage to your veins
Vein Care Dos
Vein Care Don'ts

Important Note: Veins that are red or inflamed may be a sign of infection. Infusing into an infected vein may cause permanent damage. Talk to your healthcare provider about what you can do to treat red or inflamed veins.

RUCONEST dosing and administration

Recommended dose of RUCONEST for an HAE swell

Discuss dosing with your healthcare provider to help ensure that the correct dose of RUCONEST is administered.

Dosing by body weight

Body weighta

RUCONEST dose for IV injection

Volume (mL) of reconstituted solution (150 U/mL) to be administered

<84 kg (~185 lb)

50 U per kg

Body weight in kg divided by 3

84 kg (~185 lb)

4200 U (2 vials)

28 mL

a1 kg=2.2 lb

  • RUCONEST is administered by slow intravenous (IV) injection over approximately 5 minutes
  • Patients may self-administer RUCONEST after receiving appropriate training by a qualified healthcare professional
  • RUCONEST should be administered upon recognition of an HAE swell
  • Reconstitute each vial (2100 U) by adding 14 mL sterile water for injection per vial to obtain a solution of 150 U per mL


RUCONEST is a plasma-free C1-INH proven to help treat HAE attacks.

Prepare for Your Visit

Prepare for a visit with your healthcare provider with this helpful discussion guide.

Patient Support

RUCONEST SOLUTIONS is a program designed to help support you throughout your treatment journey.